
Wednesday, December 5, 2018


 I was thinking about how tomorrow I'm going to take it easy and enjoy the simple pleasure of doing my usual work and getting a couple loafs of fresh bread from my favorite take out place. It's all I do regarding bread now, I barely bake my own anymore. Bread started as a passive comfort for me when I had less. Filled my belly and upon learning how to make it, helped me progress in other areas. I learned more about myself through learning about it and applied it to other areas of my life. But it boiled down to just another comfort that I found myself wrapped up in over time that is now just a staple in my life. It seems every way I find up in my life has a comfort attached that first benefits me but then after assisting whatever is the teacher it holds me down by the weight of its previous value until it's abandoned or becomes a minor aspect of my life used for space. Yet if I was to abandon everything I have minus the clothes on my back then the pain alone would teach me nothing and most value would only be found when a new comfort that allows for both mental and physical expansion arises, a divine area for you formed from what is available at the time but can never be permanent. Based on my own development much of what I have learned has been in the direction of recognizing possibility, understanding the place of all things occurring, and the gradual elimination of blockages. Overall the dominance of soul over mind and mind over body. A change of command more times than not occurs or at least even if it always was soul directed the path of function for being changes. Eventually all tools used and possibly even experiences fade besides soul level archival but what's learned gives birth to new ways of life with what is available but there is no desire to go back as comfortably existing when such a significant change has been made under what the teachings revealed is always better than the previous lack.    

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