
about me

  Welcome! I'm a 26 year old living in CT and this is my currently slow moving page of my personal reflections on various things in my life and other projects I'm continuously working on or may include in the future. I do a lot in the details of my every day life I've always kept things minimal and have as little on my plate as possible at any given time but as I got older though I'm healthy in any other way I have memory problems and a condition called Electromagnetic hypersensitivity or EHS for short forcing me into an even simpler life. I am harmed by the radiation of many computers, video game consoles, wifi routers, cell phones, and screens for example that I need to shield before using and can't drive. So my options are very limited on what I can creatively do digitally. I'm working with a light weight linux mint based PC in the best shielded tower I could find, a monitor with the same general protection, and only wired connections to the internet.  Microphones also make me ill very quickly so I can't handle anything more than very short periods of use with my phone and need to text online. With these things I'm at least able to be online throughout the day and integrate it even though I'm severely limited.
  Currently working a minimum wage dead end job and otherwise I'm wandering around outside often over my usual paths collecting cans and bottles for coins since I'm going to be out there anyways often which also led me into the world of coin hoarding and collecting. From that and my desire to explore the world around me also spawned my more distant hobby I don't get many chances to participate in because I'm very limited in where I can go, metal detecting and photography. A lot of the time I'm just daydreaming or wondering what else to do with myself as I go along as I can only observe everything around me consisting of the barren urban/suburban wasteland in this little isolated network of towns with a little access to nature if you try consisting of mostly people with lives far more standard than I'll ever be able to experience. Besides this I'm an ex kava drinker who enjoys spending nights on the internet listening to music, interacting with the little social networking I have, and watching anime. I'm often in a state somewhere between content and desiring someone else here more than a passive friend as this life in disconnect from much of society in many areas gets lonely and some distress over my limitations.

  Before I uploaded this all here I didn't have anything over the years but various failed writing projects that I just suddenly stopped out of either not knowing where else to go with them or I completely forgot. This blog will be the central hub for all of anything I decide to do. I hope to bring them and more to life with it.

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