Friday, May 17, 2019
Sometimes I enjoy looking at the sky with an absent minded perspective, often without realizing at first I'm doing so. I feel at home and complete as if anything else is under what I'm experiencing. The darkness and fragility of the human experience is often blinding but what's beyond this is easy and unconditional. Recently I was thinking of us as characters and how our drama is just a complex act. When I drink enough kava this is extremely pronounced. I'll indulge in sadness just to feel, I'll get angry because I want to experience. I'll experience things just because it allows that wiggle room in the moment. This is experience from the inside and without it this movement would not occur. Similar to a show or act. It's importance is irrelevant as it can end at any time and whats outside functions with or without soul level interaction anyways. It must hold something though as there would be no reason this all exists. The most powerful vision I've ever been shown was of a mirrored sky far away while still physically on the ground. Invincible what flowed from it through me is what keeps me alive and moving. If anything is done, everything is fine. We live for less than 100 years in most cases, this is nothing to what is outside. Just a dream to navigate. I had a dream last night and looked in a mirror without realizing I was having one and I was a completely different person in a familiar place and unfamiliar situation. If I didn't realize this this only tells me every experience is equal to it. We play roles in our own environment for the show we are constantly learning from It's times like these I'm so grateful for the gift of life even if not ideal and only getting darker. After the worst I'll know another experience, I'll realize more when I'm free into the sky again I couldn't get from any other incarnation on earth. Essential? Possibly not but useful if a time calls for it then it was worth something for what it was. Be the best character you can be, that's all you know and it's the only chance you'll get to be this one.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Tonight I was looking at some reviews for restaurants I was considering. I tend to like to read the lowest reviews because they usually display something more authentic about human misery. How people act under stress and deprivation shows how though we are naturally kind beings, we also have a core that overrides all of this in certain conditions that also can allow through misguided hostility. Everything looks worse from the people to the world. This is one of our worst flaws and an issue with these flesh vessels altogether. The limitations set by various levels of pain. Some can be resolved, others may not currently. The modern world has not changed people as much as many tend to think but revealed under its umbrella of technology and social media what people always had the capability to be. There are many when happy will also want to inflict some sort of negativity on others in the same fashion on another side of this same coin. But again and again we are shown we are capable of moving beyond this through actions and emotions. But it hangs on conditions and I feel this is where the problem is. Where does one issue begin and another end. One action that hurt someone else did come from another and did it really hurt someone or was it that the person was conditioned too much by another thing in their life to be much more hurt by it than they were. All of this from the source would need to first be untangled to solve much of anything or at least begin to.
From a higher perspective it can possibly be seen but a perspective can't reach down and change anything. Action needs to be taken and the majority must agree after seeing clearly enough. This often brings me to thinking about the nature of the human physical experience because on one level or another as long as there is pain this vessel can't bare for long then it will continue and misdirection will continue in the name of a bad mood or life. A tired person can't feel awake, a hungry person can't stop thinking about food unless something suppresses it but even then it eats away at them. Through this all we have meaningful experiences anyways, sometimes things are just to be experienced and it's such a strong urge. Almost instinct that doesn't have origin in the flesh, my only answer is that this is just a collective archive accumulation. When we experience pleasure and the absence of most pain but the mind remains we finally see this. We realize insignificance in a positive perspective removed from what is usually perceived that's more accurate. The lack of clarity defines everything here but the introduction of more of it increasingly renders the flesh useless. This only feeds back into itself, to end all suffering would be to end everything but this unique experience would be erased. Our drive to live biologically is all that still holds it together layered with fear of death and more pain. To lose this would free us from this prison but end this unique experience. The end goal is to break the cycle for good but when is the right time? No one is ever ready, the more its waited on the worst it gets but the more experience is gained. The answer is probably out of our hands due to our limitations of what our senses can use and how they're used with our bodies. The only thing that can be done is keep it in mind and hope the mind isn't corrupted as easily but our biological systems aren't invincible and eventually it occurs even if this all is realized. How can we live closer to the space outside the cycle?
From a higher perspective it can possibly be seen but a perspective can't reach down and change anything. Action needs to be taken and the majority must agree after seeing clearly enough. This often brings me to thinking about the nature of the human physical experience because on one level or another as long as there is pain this vessel can't bare for long then it will continue and misdirection will continue in the name of a bad mood or life. A tired person can't feel awake, a hungry person can't stop thinking about food unless something suppresses it but even then it eats away at them. Through this all we have meaningful experiences anyways, sometimes things are just to be experienced and it's such a strong urge. Almost instinct that doesn't have origin in the flesh, my only answer is that this is just a collective archive accumulation. When we experience pleasure and the absence of most pain but the mind remains we finally see this. We realize insignificance in a positive perspective removed from what is usually perceived that's more accurate. The lack of clarity defines everything here but the introduction of more of it increasingly renders the flesh useless. This only feeds back into itself, to end all suffering would be to end everything but this unique experience would be erased. Our drive to live biologically is all that still holds it together layered with fear of death and more pain. To lose this would free us from this prison but end this unique experience. The end goal is to break the cycle for good but when is the right time? No one is ever ready, the more its waited on the worst it gets but the more experience is gained. The answer is probably out of our hands due to our limitations of what our senses can use and how they're used with our bodies. The only thing that can be done is keep it in mind and hope the mind isn't corrupted as easily but our biological systems aren't invincible and eventually it occurs even if this all is realized. How can we live closer to the space outside the cycle?
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